Instal·lació de plaques solares

The installation of solar panels in several TECNOL warehouses is completed

Aug 30, 2022 | Corporate, Sustainability

At Tecnol we have completed an ambitious project to install solar panels in several of the company’s warehouses, which reinforces our commitment to sustainability and the environment. Its purpose is to supply the facilities with the necessary capacity to prioritize renewable energy and achieve self-consumption with a source of electrical energy from renewable sources and without greenhouse gas emissions. A special mention goes to the action carried out at the corporate headquarters that we will launch in the Mas de les Ànimes industrial estate in Reus. It is a modern, intelligent, green building built under the sustainability and environmental parameters proposed by the 2030 Agenda of the UN Global Compact. It also has the main certifications in terms of energy efficiency, such as the LEED Gold Construction certificate, the 0 Carbon Footprint certificate, the Indoor Air Quality Certificate and the Class A. Photovoltaic panels have also been installed in the warehouses located between the Mas de les Ànimes and AgroReus industrial estates, which form one of the main business nodes in southern Catalonia.

Firm commitment to self-consumption in 2022

This 2022 we have submitted a candidacy to be eligible for the line of subsidies granted by the Generalitat of Catalonia, through the Catalan Institute of Energy, in the field of self-consumption and storage through renewable energy sources. It should also be noted that we are members of the Energy Community Association of the Agro Reus industrial estate as promoters, together with the Reus City Council. It is a public-private entity created with Next Generation funds to promote the installation of solar panels in buildings and supply energy to the companies installed in the estate. The project has been submitted to the second call for the Incentive Program for unique pilot projects of energy communities (CE Implementa) of the Energy Diversification and Savings Institute, dependent on the Ministry for the Ecological Transition. The total investment in the project is 4.4 million euros. And, faced with the global challenge of moving from a linear to a circular economy, at TECNOL we will continue to apply strategies based on the recovery of resources, the supply of materials, improving the efficiency of its production processes, and the distribution and management of its waste. A commitment that we also apply to the products that our customers consume and that prioritize sustainability, such as our range of solar LED products for public roads.

Members of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance

As a result of our commitment to promoting sustainable and renewable energies, we are also members of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance. This group supports the large-scale deployment of clean hydrogen technologies by 2030, bringing together renewable and low-carbon hydrogen production, demand in industry, mobility, and other sectors, and hydrogen transmission and distribution. Its objective is to promote investments and stimulate the deployment of the production and use of clean hydrogen.

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