TQ TECNOTERMIC in the Technical Building Code
Are there regulations?
Currently, there is no regulation that regulates reflective thermal insulators. However, there is Article 5.2.5 of the Technical Building Code (CTE) 2013:
“Innovative products, equipment, and systems that demonstrate compliance with the basic requirements of the CTE regarding the construction elements in which they intervene will be considered compliant with the CTE, through a favorable technical evaluation of their suitability for the intended use, granted to the entry into force of the CTE, by the entities authorized for this by the competent Public Administrations.”
How does it apply?
According to TQ TECNOL, based on the previous article, the pertinent tests or evaluations of technical suitability have been carried out at the CIDEMCO foundation. This entity is accredited by ENAC to carry out thermal transmittance and thermal resistance tests in a steady state.
What is ENAC?
It is the National Accreditation Entity, the body designated by the Administration to establish and maintain the accreditation system at the national level in accordance with international standards. At the same time, it does so by always following the policies and recommendations established by the European Union.
According to what regulations has it been tested?
The tests have been carried out according to the regulations and/or testing procedures:
- UNE 92204:1995, UNE-EN ISO 8990:1997 Thermal insulation. Determination of thermal transmission properties in steady state. Saved and calibrated hot box methods.
The TQ TECNOTERMIC reflective thermal insulator was subjected to a technical evaluation with favorable suitability results. Furthermore, complying with the UNE standards does not require CE marking or obtaining an ETA certificate (European Technical Evaluation) to be applied as a construction element according to the current CTE.