
We expand the TECNOL Urban product family

Dec 21, 2023 | Product

At TECNOL, we have always worked to improve cities, so that they are sustainable and respond to all the needs of their inhabitants. And together with innovation, one of our pillars, we make sure that every day we have more solutions and diversity in them.

This month we are adding new products to our street furniture catalog to make our cities a cleaner, safer and more vibrant place.

The newly incorporated products add to a broad family of products from our Urban division that has a focus on the sustainability and functionality of its products to contribute significantly to the beautification of urban environments and the promotion of a cleaner, neater and safer city. Like the TQ Señal Eventual with Placard or the TQ Pilona Montau, two elements to delimit spaces, either temporarily or permanently.

This and all our products stand out not only for their modern and elegant design, but also for their functionality and durability. These two new bins, TQ Papelera Azalea and TQ Papelera Acacia Pared, which meet the practical needs of citizens and help keep public spaces clean and orderly. Up to the TQ Fuente Garbet Doble or the TQ Jardinera Acer Corten RD, two functional and decorative solutions for parks, walks or promenades in municipalities.

In addition, part of TECNOL Urban’s urban furniture is designed with recycled materials and low environmental impact, thus demonstrating our commitment to environmental responsibility. This commitment that we have adopted not only improves the quality of life of citizens, but also contributes to the creation of urban areas that are more sustainable and respectful of the planet, either with our line of eco products or with the different solutions of il solar lighting

In summary, the TECNOL Urban division is a prominent actor in the positive transformation of towns and cities through its solutions in lighting, road markings, cleaning, and urban furniture.

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